Easily Create Your Unique Small Business Website

Some brief instructions on going forward.

This instructional window just opened to assist you in completing your new website order.


Searching For A New Domain Name

If you are searching for a domain name and it is available, you will see several options to select. Make your selections and click Add To Cart. Then click this link. Scroll down the page and select your hosting package and click the link that appears underneath, Continue to cart. This is a secure cart and it is safe for your credit card. If you have difficulties, call the 24 hour support number at the top.


Transferring Your Domain Name

If you are transferring a domain name, a window will open with additional instructions. Follow those instructions and click Continue when you  enter the two items. Then click this link. Scroll down the page and select your hosting package and click the link that appears underneath, Continue to cart. This is a secure cart and it is safe for your credit card. If you have difficulties, call the 24 hour support number at the top.


Selecting Your Services

Click this link to Select You Services. If you are happy with the Base Package, just click the Add Package To Cart button and continue with the next section. If you will like to add additional functionality to the Base Package, check the boxes under the headings in the right column. You will see the total package price keep your total. Once all of your options are selected click the Add Package To Cart button. You will then see your shopping cart and the pricing… but wait! We need to pick your awesome website design.


Choose Your Design

Click this link to select your website design. Once on the page you can view 100s of custom website designs for specific businesses or generic businesses. Click the View button to see a larger image. Also on the larger image page you can click the button View Demo to see the full website design and its options. When you find that perfect website design click the Add to Cart button. You will be transferred to the shopping cart checkout page. This checkout page appears a bit different from the server items checkout page but, it is just as secure for your credit card use as the other one. Note we use to transfer your data to the credit card processing bank. The largest electronic gateway provider in the world.


What Next

We will receive your order and begin immediately to set up your server account and CPanel, install your WordPress Base Package and any Add-0ns you have selected and apply your website design to the whole thing. Be sure to carefully enter you email address on the checkout screen. In 48 hours we will notify you of the completion of your new website, how to access it and your server account. You can then begin to enter your content, text, images and more. You will even be able to adjust the design of the new website to make it just as  you want it.

We have a special phone number to help you with content management, design issues and other website related questions (not server related questions) Call 832-212-1234 Monday through Friday 8AM to 6PM CST. We have support technicians on call to help you out.